We are now patching Sebastian's left eye during all waking hours in attempts to continue to strengthen his weak right eye. So far it is has done splendid , his vision has went from 20/200 to 20/40 in a matter of months . Of course all the time with adhesive stuck to the delicate skin around his eye it has taken it's toll, the skin being pulled and torn no matter how gently we tried to remove it or what trick we tried. Regaurdless that little boy would let me place it on his eye every single morning with little to no fuss because he knew the opthamologist said he had to wear it .
It made it both proud and sad at the same time , it is such a small thing , especially compared to what we have already been through but it is heartbreaking to have him just willingly accept pain as a part of his daily life. :/
The upside of it is that through one of my trach mom friends I discovered a wonderful,soft ,NON-ADHESIVE eye patch that attaches to his glasses !! They come in all types of designs and seem to be open to trying to find a design that you are interested in if they don't have it available.
Sebastian chose a sports theme patch ( big surprise there ! ) but he really wanted a zombie one , I think that if after our next appointment if we are continuing to patch I might contact the company and see if they would be willing to make a zombie themed one... lol !
( A note on the zombie thing : The kid is mildly obsessed with them ! Most little boys pretend to be firemen or soldiers - mine pretends to be a zombie. :) Also , before you began to wonder excatly we let the kid watch around here don't worry he only knows and loves these types of zombies not the bloody , rated-R type.)
Was planning on writing more tonight but am just exhausted so I will do my best not to wait another 11 months to post the rest of it ... ;)