Monday, December 22, 2008

First Stop .....

Our first stop on the crazy Christmas train is located about 30 minutes away from our home at Sebastian's Grammy and Grandpu. (These two are better known as Jamie's dad and step-mom.) After a lovely dinner where Sebastian was slightly more interested in running amok then the sweet potatoes we opened gifts.

Sebastian , as many as you know , is somewhat obsessed with bowling so needless to say he LOVES his new bowling set. The cool part is that they are made out of a rubbery foam substance so he can actually play with them - which he has since the moment he opened the box ! (We have a neighbor who lives below us who literally complains when we walk, wash dishes or try to do laundry by pounding on the walls but that is a whole other post.)

Some of his other gifts include some Dora videos, a cute little toy fishing set, a set of Spud Buddies, some coloring books , a Mrs.Potato Head (which Mr.Potato Head appreciates) as well as some other fun goodies which he has been enjoying.

After all that fun poor little guy was tuckered out and after a few dozen rounds of bowling in the hall with daddy was ready for a full night's rest.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Baby

Today , on a whim , DH and I took Sebastian to see the big man of the season , not knowing what the outcome would be. We were pleasantly surprised ! He waited in line with very little fussing , then went up and sat on Santa's lap without any incident. To our surprise he even told Santa some of what he wanted for Christmas - balls and cars. Even the pictures part went well, a pleasant look and no wailing small child = a small miracle to me , lol !

One of Sebastian's favorite things right now is periodically throughout the day to bring me a random item (this can range from one of my house shoes and a FP Little Person to a broom and stuffed animal) and announcing " New Present". He is such a goofy kid !

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hippotherapy and D D D Dora , Dora ....

Who's that handsome boy on that horse ?? Sebastian , of course ! Today was Sebastian's first run at hippotherapy (aka horse therapy) and he did fabulous !! I was proud of him ! At Miss Jane (his OT) worked with him he put him helmet on and got to meet Mickey , the pony he would be riding. Sebastian wasn't too sure about getting on Mickey and put up just enough fuss that Miss Jane had to get a extra set of hands to help out with riding. Once he got on , did a bit of riding and was allowed to shoot some hoops he was a happy boy !
While on the horse they have the kids do a range of various activities such as throwing balls in a basketball hoop, hitting a ball with a bat and riding in different positions.
After about half an hour of great therapy Miss Jane and Sebastian headed indoors to work on steps and a few other fun things which he thought was wonderful ! When it was time to leave Sebastian refused to leave and it took three adults to "convince" him to go out the door, lol. Now he keeps asking " Go see horsies ?" LOL

Later in the evening we went out to dinner where we were informed by his highness that he was wanted pancakes , just curious we tempted him with grilled cheese, mac n' cheese and even chicken nuggets... Nope... So yes, he got his pancakes and even some sausage that he ate every bite of - most of which with a fork.

Before heading home we had to stop off at the store for a few odds and ends. At this peticular store they have these awesome car shapes carts you can rent for a dollar and it has a little TV inside that plays different cartoons. The one we got played The Backyardigans, Wonderpets and Dora the Explorer. The first cartoon was Dora and after it went off Sebastian complained and wanted it back on, unfortunately it is just plays on a loop so Dora was done for the time. Once it cycled back to Dora the Explorer Sebastian was one happy little dude ! He was talking back to it and just having a grand ole' time.
One the ride home , approx 40 minutes or so , we were entertained by Sebastian who chattered about Dora the entire ride. It went something like this:
"Where's Boots? Swiper swiping no, say backpack " ( To which we would sing the backpack song) " There's Map, Strawberry Hill, Boots, Dora , No swiping Swiper, Backpack , say backpack."

As I was getting him out of his car seat to go in the house he looks at me all serious and says "Dora on TV" I told him no Dora tonight but we would try to find Dora on TV tomorrow.... Guess I need to bust out my own little map and find Dora seems like we have a Dora fan on our hands , lol.