Friday, April 24, 2009

Wagon Good Time !

Yesterday between grumpiness and rain drops Sebastian got to visit with his friend John , which delighted him. John's mommy and I unleashed the boys on Wal-Mart and let them run amok , lol.
Afterwards we stopped Sebastian's Nana and Papaw's house where he got to play with everyone and his new golf set. The set has three different little plastic clubs , favorite is purple putter which is played with so much the actual head kept falling out of the post -- repeatedly. Instead of getting upset he either brought it to someone and proclaimed "Fix it" or eventually just did it himself considering every time he swung it the head went

Part of the fun also included playing with the dogs and talking who ever he could into pulling him in the wagon. Later he ended up pulling the dogs around in the wagon , one doggie loved it , the other ... not so much.

Still weaning off the steroids and the kid is still eating us out of house and home. Also, last night I noticed Sebastian is getting a hint of steroid cheeks either that or it is the 34092340794 calories he is taking in everyday , lol !

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