Sebastian's bronch went great , despite a bumpy start. We were hour and a half late getting into the OR which made Sebastian grumpy and thanks to some irresponsible adults NOT READING THE FRICKIN' NO EATTING OR DRINKING SIGN in the waiting room he was already begging for food and something to drink as it was. Then add the total of three hours wait of getting into the OR - let's just say that was less than pleasant for everyone involved...
The next bump on the road has really irritated me since the moment it happened. Sebastian is on Xopenx (prn) and Pulmicort (x1) but he hadn't needed it (Xopenx) that morning so of course we didn't give it to him. Hospital policy says more or less that he needed to take it before the bronch since they will be irritating his airway - okay , I have no problems with that . Well, we wait forever, meet up with all the nurses, Dr.F, anesthesiologist etc all the while no treatment, they come to get him and they ask if he has had his Xopenx yet, I let them know we are still waiting on it . Well, we get the treatment going and everyone and their mother is standing around chatting and waiting for the treatment to be done and I hear someone say " yeah he is taking his Albuterol right now" ALBUTEROL !?! Sebastian was taken off of Albuterol because he makes his tracheomalacia worse as well as making him highly agitated. I ask them if that was Albuterol in his neb cup , and the nurse tells me it was so I quickly pull the mask off and tell them he isn't suppose to have Albuterol.
Someone then tries to pull a cover their rear maneuver by saying " Oh, it is pretty much the same thing , we switch it sometimes... blah , blah blah." The nurse who gave him the Albuterol says " Well, we will have to wait , I will have to call down to the Pharmacy" I am not sure what she was expecting as a response but I just looked her in the eye and let her know that is just fine by me. She wanders off and one the nurses standing around asks if he is allergic to Albuterol , I explain the situation and point out it is written out on the papers in front of all of them . Then the nurse who original nurse returns and looks over the paperwork and says " Oh, yeah , it says it right there" ... Yup, dealing with a genius there.... You can't just give someone a med they don't take ! GAH !
I am very grateful for that little conversation because, if not for that he would have had an Albuterol treatment and very well could have come back out of the OR with a trach because the dr thinking his tracheomalacia was *that* bad.
The actual results were great though , his airway looks beautiful, pink, open and granuloma free !!! The is a little tracheomalacia showing ( could that jave been the partial Albuterol treatment ?? ) but nothing major to worry about at this time.
He came out of recovery away , calm and wanting to snuggle, ate a red slushy and we were out of there !! Despite being
Today he got up and was running about running at a million miles an hour as if nothing ever happened ... go figure , lol !
YIPPY!!! That is so good to hear!! I love how hospitals think they should interchange the 2 meds (BTDT).
Whew! Scary, sometimes what we go through. Glad it worked out in the end.
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