Things are going pretty good around here for the most part. I have been batting an ear/jaw issues for two months now and soon will undergo some oral surgery which I am not looking forward to. Sebastian's allergies arrived right on time, as usual. Poor little guy is a nasty little mess but other than being lethargic he is doing decent with it all, even learning to wipe his nose ( on something other than me !) and starting to figure out how to blow his nose.

As with most of his life we have troubles with Sebastian and bedtime, he will be so exhausted he is almost asleep sitting up but as soon as we start to get him ready for bed he acts as if he just popped some speed or something ! We have an evening routine but that seems to matter little , even tried to kind of "trick" him and not stick to the schedule, thinking that maybe it was time for a revamp - didn't matter.... *sigh* We try to get him into bed anywhere between 7-9 pm , depending on the day , usually ended up in bed about 8 pm most of the time. We try laying with him , not laying with him , pretty much all the tricks in the book but still midnight finds me still battling him ( or just "ignoring" him) - it is SO frustrating !! I would think after 4 years this would have improved.. lol.
Apparently , also with age 4 comes the attitude, lol. In all honesty he isn't too bad , especially compared to some of the kids I see in stores , but the behavior is also frustrating ! It isn't like he is throwing himself on the ground kicking and screaming - even if he did I would understand considering the problems he has been having with communications . It is more just like super annoying things like yelling or this weird raspberry/spitting thing that just drives me up the wall !

Time outs work pretty well but I feel bad for the kid, if we stuck him in time out EVERYTIME he did something we told him not to he would probably be living in there . One day I decided to really crack down on it and put him in time out for every offence - it was just too much for both of us and did nothing but perpetuate the problems so we moved on to a pick your battle stance. I must say I am really proud of his progress though , he has went from yelling from the time he woke up till he went to bed to just doing every so often -usually in the most inopportune moments and places of course, lol.
The warm weather has finally arrived here and Sebastian is so happy to get back outdoors to play... As usual he is excited to get out the soccer nets, bubbles , baseball tee and golf set ! As I write he is bouncing around the room watching PGA Golf and playing along with his own little plastic golf set - I feel like I need to be wearing a protective layer - or three !

During this battling with my ear/jaw thing Sebastian has been spending a lot of time in the DR office and for once it is not for him. The other day the DR went to look in my ears and Sebastian informed them that my ears hurt because I had porcupines in them... My kid has a future in medicine ... or comedy .... Also he has made HUGE progress in learning to keep himself entertained for more than a few minutes at a time , admittedly I will sometimes have to help him and get him interested in something but he sticks with it for quite awhile. This has come as a huge relief to me , he use to have to be CONTSTANTLY entertained or he would just spin out of control which was no fun for anyone. Glad this milestone came at this time :o)

The other day while waiting to go back at the ENT we were sitting in the kid's playroom , Sebastian and daddy playing with a soft ball we carry in his play bag when this little girl came in with her dad. I would guess she was around 7 or so , cute thing with long brown hair and a great giggle and smile. Sebastian , being the life of the party as always , walks right up and says " She wants to play soccer" and almost has a completely normal social interaction with her ! He was somewhat awkward and said some things that were off but she just giggled ,and they had fun playing throwing the ball together. I got called back but DH said the two played ball until she and her dad got called back then Sebastian lost it and cried his eyes out cause she had to leave. it may seem like such a little thing to some people but one typical social interaction is HUGE for Sebastian and we are SO proud of him !
Hope everyone has a Happy Easter !!
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