Things are mostly quite on the home front, thank goodness, we like it that way !
Sebastian is still chugging along on the Tobi(antibiotics) which STINK to the high heavens ! After washing his hair tonight I had to change his trach ties , a process he is already none to happy about and was made grouchier about due to being sleepy. I use a little trick I learned off another trach mommy , secure the trach in place with suction catheters so I won't need to hold the trach in the entire time and allows me the use of both hands. As I was trying to slip the last Velcro piece in the falange's hole Sir Grumpy Bottom grabs his trach and yanks it straight out, decannulating himself - weeeeeeeee...
Quickly untying the suction caths I finish replacing the ties and we go about putting everything back where it goes. I notice under his ties just as funky and irritated red just like his stoma and under the flanges. I have always been intrigued by metal trach chains , looks like now may be the time to locate and procure some - soon ! With 95 + temps ( even a steamy 98 -100 forecasted one day - eek !! )his poor neck could use a break.
As usual, well as of the last few months, Sebastian has spent most of the night so far coughing up some lovely little gifts for me and I have already suctioned him twice , once having to switch out catheters because the secretions were so thick. Keep in mind this is with 100 % humidity from his cup and .50 Pulmicort x1 daily , I am hoping he is just bringing up the yuck that has been hanging out in his lungs and we aren't going to have to readjust his daily maintenance meds.
On a last note , Sebastian has began two and even a couple THREE word phrases, my favorite being "Help...Me " when he is getting frustrated with something and needs a little assistance.