That would be my son's best bowling game so far - pretty good since it was the second of the only two games he as ever played. Also, sadly enough he beat both his parents in both games.. what can I say the kid is good ?!?!
On a fluke (and a really good Thursday special) we ended up at a bowling alley and Sebastian was having a good time even before we started our game. The music was blaring and all around him people were sending various colored neon balls down brightly lit lanes until they crashed and made loud noises. Apparently this is the recipe for fun to a two year old.
After donning a pair of size 8 bowling shoes,(seriously , did anyone else even knowthat toddler size 8 bowling shoes even existed!)picking out his very own neon yellow ball and adjusting the ball ramp Sebastian started his very first game of bowling. The first game was DH :56 Me:86 Sebastian:93... the second was DH:86 Me:85 Sebastian:93 In our defence he did had a ramp and bumpers... lol.
He was really good about taking turns and towards the end was even carrying his 6 lb ball and putting it on the ramp all by himself - with mommy and daddy on either side of course. Between turns he would amuse himself by cheering us on and boogieing down to the music.
Earlier in the day Sebastian went to a gym to climb, tumble, bounce and balance for some unofficial PT. I am proud to announce another first ... running the long trampoline ! A light bulb finely went off inside his little blonde head, he got the ideal and was off running with the best of them. This is such a good thing as it helps improve his balance and with his motor planning. As of next week he is being fitting for PattiBobs to assist with his balance. PattiBobs are simply shoe inserts ()for kiddos with mild to moderate gaint issues/low tone. It will exciting to see what improvements that make !
Looks like a lot of fun...we'll have to take Jake and Addi one of these days too...whenever I can finally leave the house again! :)
Just how fun was that. We use those ramps all the time with our children and they have a blast. It is fun checking up on ya'll. We do enjoy bowling as a family, but it takes a long time with so many.
Hugs, Roberta
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