Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cricket... cricket

Were you aware that the word cricket is funny ?? Apparent it is - at least to my kid it is. He's kinda odd anyways ;o)

Also , as of the 4th Sebastian is able to "play" a kazoo, sort of, lol. He does short humming blasts which is a HUGE thing for him. He loves the vibration of it and it gets him laughing before he can do much else. It goes .. hum.. giggle giggle.. hum... giggle giggle... hum... giggle giggle you get the picture.

Last night little bugger pulled his trach mask off and scored himself a little plug , nothing too major , solved it with saline and two suction catheter , no late night trach changes - woohoo ! He was sooo mad with me bothering him in his sleep, woooh boy did he fight me. Then he spent most of the night coughing up and clearing out lingering goobers so little sleep was had by momma.

All day today I had a ranging headache so I was looking forward to bedtime about 45 minutes after he woke up but again bedtime was a struggle of sorts. He finally gave up after two hours and a grape fast melt Tylenol later. I think after all his grumping and grouching he gave himself a bit of a headache , at least that is what he told me when I asked him what was wrong(Signed head+hurt) and about 20 minutes after his meds his heart rate dropped and he finally fell asleep.

It seems Sebastian has figured out how to bite into food as opposed to shoving the whole thing in his mouth at once. Can we say sensory issue ? lol I had some Mickey D fries and as always he asked for some . I handed him half of one and laid the other half down , reminding him to just put one piece in his mouth at a time. He did great then took a small fry out of the container on his own and bit it in half, again eating both properly ! I know it was bad but he probably eat 1/4 of my fries but I was so happy he was eating 'normally' I didn't care.

So all in all a rather normal day. :o)

1 comment:

Rene said...

Yes, cricket IS a funny word! I can't wait until Tommy can chew. I'll be giving him Micky D's fries too. EVERY two year old has to have Micky D's fries. It's not childhood without them!
