My son, the precious child I have held in my arms and fed countless bottles too in the wee hours of the morning, the precious child I coaxed to take those long awaited first steps, the same precious child that comes asking hugs after getting a boo-boo (even if he did do it on purpose) ..... is a royal smart alack !
For awhile now when we have asked him to say "ma-ma" he smiles that silly little smile of his and says "da-da" and vice versa. Months later this has been upgraded to "Mom-me " and "dad-de".
Tonight in route to home I ask him to say " Sebastian"... pause.. Again I ask him to say his name.... pause... a third time I ask him to say Sebastian ...
He smiles and says "Dave"
Hello Sebastian, Mom, and Dad
Joanie and I appreciate reading your notes and enjoy keeping up with how things are going between the times we get to see you. Keep growing stronger and smarter day by day.
Love Joanie and Donnie
WOW< , It is nice to see your blog. I shall look forward to checking in more often and see how Sebastian is doing. I love doing our blog....even when I get behind....LOL.
Hugs to you,
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