Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School !

 Okay , here is folks, the post people have been asking me about since I walked in the door this afternoon :)

 Sebastian had a really nice day at school today. I ended up staying in the classroom to help out where I could and was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly everything went. I think he was a little nervous, but     heck , who ISN'T on the first day of school ! He did pretty good on listening to his teachers and was SO excited when they sang "Wheels on the Bus" 

   A few comments were made by other kids about him wearing a pull-up,some serious stares at his stoma and a few little boys cornered him and tried to take his glasses so it seems we are going to have to work on standing up for ourselves. On the upside to that all Sebastian was so into all the new stuff going on around him I don't think he really paid much attention to those incidents. It just makes me sad though , he has fought so hard to get where he is and to have other kids make fun of where is he lacking ....  :/   I know they don't know his history of course but still the momma bear in me wanted to growl but instead I just told the kids to keep their hands to themselves and to be kind. 

    One wonderfully funny thing did happen, a little boy was going around to the kids kind of chest bumping without touching , trying to intimidate them and make them flinch. He tried with Sebastian three or four times , Sebastian just looked at him like he was nuts then proceeded to scream at him with an ear piercing scream then wander off to play on the playground again -- this time The Intimidator flinched and took off . Is it wrong to be proud of that ? ;)

Sebastian LOVED the playground and was heartbroken when it was time to go back to class. I can not say enough nice things about his teachers Mrs.F and Mrs.K and their openness to this crazy little situation !  I am SO looking forward to what this year will bring for Sebastian  


Tess Katherine MacMillan said...

I so can't believe how big he has gotten. He looks fabulous. I remember him being so little. :) You have every right to be proud. That little bully had it coming to him. Perhaps Sebastian showed him what it's like to flinch. Brat. I so wish you both all the best with school and I hope that he continues to love it. Tess

911shazza said...

So sweet!! I totally understand what you mean about wanting to protect him given everything he's gone through etc. Our school doesn't start in Canada for a couple more weeks, but I just want things to go well with my Sebastian etc. It's so hard to send them out into the real world and not be able to protect them from everything!! He looks just adorable!!

Ayden said...

that's awesome!! So glad to hear. Hope it continues to go well.
Do they happen to have a social worker at the school? When Ayden had oxygen, they talked about how everyone is different and that makes each of us special....
can't wait to hear more!

Susan said...

I'm surprised they had any idea about the pull-ups, I wouldn't think they'd notice. The first few days (weeks even) of school are an adjustment for everyone. I suspect he'll do great. He already knows recess is the best part. Smart kid. He looks like he had fun despite it.