We have been in four days now. Sebastian is off the IV fluids and officially diagnosed with MRSA, which he been colonised with since forever, now it is rearing it's ugly head. He is on 2 steroids, breathing treatments every 4 hours (bumped down from every three hours this morning), benadryl and an IV antibiotic that runs over a two hour course every since hours (increased from every seven hours yesterday)
He has 4 different IVs now and hopefully/most likely placing a PICC line tomorrow. The most recent one to go was on his left bicep which infiltrated. We have no ideal how long the vancomycin leaked under his skin but is it pretty swollen and bruised , you can tell it hurts a lot more then he is telling us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on no tissue damage, which everyone says there should none of but after reading a bit on the topic I am nervous.
Yesterday was a bad, ugly day. Between all the medications, treatments, vitals, repeated sticking and just plain coughing his head off the kid couldn't get any quality sleep and was fatigued. He finally passed out and his sats stayed in the high 80's - low 90's and this was on 40% oxygen which was really scary. We bumped it up to 50% and he rose to around 94 or so then eventually climbed upwards in time.
He was just so tired he couldn't even cough effectively enough to clear his airway.
Since he has MRSA was Sebastian isn't allowed outside his room and it is so tiny that when I fold out the recliner at night it completely blocks off the bathroom door one way and if it slides downwards a few inches it blocks the entrance. I would say it is easily about half the size of a normal hospital room. Needless to say we are all going stir crazy - especially the kid.
I am feeling bad for Sebastian, not only is he sick , he is getting traumatised as well. As soon as someone walks in the door with that yellow gown on he starts to meltdown , since we are in isolation that means everyone but us wear a yellow gown and gloves. Today he is starting to back up into the corner behind the door crying 'no,no,no,no" when ever some comes in. Even breathing treatments and trach care have become serious fights. He spends most of his time (unstandable) upset and this morning I saw his moving around in his bed while sleeping saying "no,no" while grabbing at his IV site. If a staff member is in the room and one of us pick him up he goes ballistic because he thinks something is about to happen , which , unfortunately is more often true then not.
Hi Sebastian's Mommy..I'm not even sure of your name yet I feel like I know you! A while back you wrote into my baby granddaughter's foundation site www.caitlinrussellfoundation.org I've checked in on Sebastian frequently..always enjoying your posts...he is such a sweetheart and I hope he gets better quickly...no one enjoys being in the hospital but being so young and not understanding it all is just ...not fun. I'm thinking of you all praying for you too...I'll check back again tomorrow!
Joan Russell
Oh, my heart just goes out to you. I can't even imagine how tough it must be to keep a two year old in such a tiny space!! I sure hope this passes quickly!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Hi May and Sebastian,
I read your post on the trachy website and thought I should read more about you and Sebastian in your blog.
It is not nice to be at the hospital but in isolation is horrid.
My son, Sol used to scream and fight whenever he saw the purple gloves of the nurses.
It's just not nice not knowing how long you are going to be there for.
I will show pictures of Sebastian to Sol. He likes seeing other little boys with 'necklaces'! The two of us will be thinking and praying that Sebastian gets better real soon.
Take care
Continuing to pray for you guys...I can't imagine how unbelievably difficult this must be for all of you. Hoping Sebastian's illness clears up and that you can all get back home soon.
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