Sorry I have been neglecting the blog but as most of you know anyways Sebastian has been ill.
This afternoon , within minutes of beginning physical therapy we had to call it quits. We noticed he was breathing loudly and retracting , after putting the pulse ox on him we discovered his heart rate was hitting 177 and his O2 level was at 93%, in a nutshell not so great. After a bit of debating we put a call in to the pulmonolist who gave us an appointment for later in the week. We tried everything in our arsenal and we that just didn't work we headed to the ER.
At the ER we were quickly passed through reception , flew through triage and put in an ER room where we spent the next five hours or so with a very angry , hungry, thirsty little boy in the dire need of a nice long nap. We spoke to countless people, had a chest x-ray (all clear) and they attempted to do a sputum culture on him but couldn't get enough to really test.
After all the miserable waiting we were sent home with yet another antibiotic and told to follow up with the pulm this week.
It is so frustrating to see your kid sick and obviously to you getting more ill, not have a clue what it is or how to fix it.
For now we are having to sit on our hands and watch and wait.....
Oh, I hope this passes quickly and he's back to his high energy self soon. My least favourite part about being a preemie mom is how sick my Sebastian was this past winter. It was like every couple weeks was another cold, ear infection, lung infection or whatever. Very frustrating!!
I'm so sorry Sebastian's having such a hard time...I'll certainly keep you guys in my prayers. Let us know how the pulm appointment goes later in the week...hopefully you'll get some answers as to what is going on.
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