We finally got out of the hospital on Wednesday afternoon ..woohoo ! I think Sebastian was unsure of what was going on , he had a strange look his face and we headed out to the car. Once we got there and was in the process of unloading I made the mistake of trying to put him in his car seat, lol. He wanted to ride around some in the hospital's red wagon more so we did a quick lap in the parking garage and then had a car seat battle.
Once we were in the car and headed to the store to pick up some meds he needed Sebastian kept looking around like he was amazed at everything, just soaking it all in. We let him run around a bit at the store, grabbed our goodies and headed home. He was so happy to be back , it looked like hurricane Sebastian hit his room !
That evening when I laid him in bed he patted the huge multicolored stuffed alligator he sleeps as a pillow, smiled and said "bed","lay down" "me bed" and about 15 minutes later he was draped over the alligator fast asleep.
Since then it has been kinda of strainded getting back into the groove of daily living. Sebastian is having trouble at bedtime and has woke up saying "no stick" and "go away" throughout the night. While the 'roid rage has subsided there are still some ugly behavior to shake out , epecailly these little tantrums that have intensivifed , that are pretty minor in nature ( loud whining,getting stiff and arching back,trashing and trying to sit down)but with him weighing in at nearly 40 pounds it is getting harder to force him into the cart or the car seat without a weight lifter's belt ! He has quit banging his head but I have had to pull his fingers away from his eyes on couple ocassions , nothing too bad.
Sebastian has come on on Zyvox, which is a absolute battle to get him to 3 times a day , but it is slightly scarey because in conjunction with the albuterol he takes can cause dangerous levels of high blood pressure. He took at the hosptial with no trouble and yesterday at a ped follow up his blood pressure was fine so , so far so good !
During his stay Sebastian's speech has progressed and now he is saying more things than ever , even his own little jokes from time to time, silly monkey ! He is finally getting to were he can tell us what is going on in that little head of his - we are in trouble now !!
Thank goodness...there is no place like home....Sebastian looks so cozy in his bed! Wishing you all some rest and good health!
Joan Russell/ Caitlin's Grandma www.caitlinrussellfoundation.org/ and jnmdohr@aol.com
I'm so glad you all are home and that Sebastian is feeling better...just being in his own bed and with his own stuff has to make things better for him.
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