I have written about Sebastian's problem with over stuffing his mouth as he eats , well I am happy to say that he has progressed quite impressively within the last few weeks. Yesterday I was even able to allow him to feed himself two entire cereal bars without having to intervene ! It has even been a repeat performance , much to our delight ! In the past he would have simply shoved half the cereal bar in his mouth , it was nice to watch him to take safe size bites without worrying about having him choking himself.
During Sebastian's week long bout with the dreaded stomach bug he lost weight , just a few pounds that probably no one notices but us. Mostly around his face and for the first time in a long time his little ribs are poking out, lol. Comically enough we went to an appointment were he was weighed and measured, he is in the 90% in height and 95% in weight which ,we were told , would usually earn us a discussion on him being overweight followed up with pamphlets and that whole deal, lol. The nutritionist was the same one who had been seeing Sebastian since he started the program just laughed it off and chalked it up to muscle mass since the kid is VERY obviously not overweight. We all got a good chuckle over the once scrawny , too small for his own skin baby being an "overweight" toddler with next to no fat on his body.
That's so funny!! Good on him for being healthy!! I hear you on the scrawny part. Our Sebastian is still quite scrawny and hardly eats some days. Frustrating!!
That is so cute. E is only in the 5th percentile for height, but I'm vertically challenged and so is dad. In the weight department she is in the 45th percentile. She is just a little thing. And I think she lost weight this weekend. She too has had something going on in her belly since Thursday. She keeps retching and gagging. There are days I wish she could just throw up!!
Poor chicka, I hope her belly feels better soon ! I hate the thought of retching and having no where to go with it ... *shudder*
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