After just two stores we managed to find a pair of shoes that would work with Sebastian's SMOs ! At one store I think we pretty much went through every type of boy shoes they had on the shelf, of course that means about 15 styles vs the girls 35 or so .... No luck there so we headed over to the second place where the search consisted of three adults going over every style and me wedging pair after pair over Sebastian's SMOs, which the kid tolerated great !
One style was a extra wide white K-Swiss which once he had them on looked as if he as stomping around wearing a pair of a marshmallows on his feet. They were so ugly , square and bulky it just bummed me out so bad. Luckily the search finally yielded a nice brown pair that don't resemble any snack food products.
Later he wore his SMOs around for the first time and the difference is amazing ! His legs move so smoothly and he doesn't look like Frankenstein trying to walk. Once we removed the SMOs we looked over his feet and there was only one little red area on the top of his right foot that faded in less that five minutes so we know the fit is good and he won't likely need adjustments.
Over all a pretty successful day.
This evening as Sebastian's grandma was helping him get ready for bed she reported some funky yellow gunkys in the trach and his nose is running some, but so far it is clear. I am hoping it just some yuck and nothing indicating an illness brewing ... I just want to make it through the holidays and his birthday healthy.
Sebastian's word of the day is .... Panini !! Don't ask me why and we guess he picked up from the Hot Pockets commercial about their new Panini bread whatevers, lol. All day today he ran around calling all of us paninis and laughing his little head off when we called him one. He's kinda odd but I think we will keep him anyways... lol.
I'm praying for you that he will stay healthy. When did he last have a round of tobi neb? I swear by that stuff with the psuedo. Miss E has been sick for going on 3weeks now as well. I'm trying so hard to not have to take her in. I did get your voice mail and I will probably give you a call tonight. I have been busy with E and other things. But thanks for calling and I promise I will get back to you. I would love to talk!
I am thinking we will be visiting with the Gentamicin fairy soon around here.... Tobi smells so bad it about knocks me out ! Not to mention it seems that the Gent does the trick on the kiddos funk.
Ahhh! He looks so cute. Boy I can see that would be tough to find shoes to fit. I wouldn't doubt Ainsley will eventually need those. And she already has wide feet so it'll be hard. I hope Sebastian gets well on his own.
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